Since school starts this week for us, I guess it is time to catch up on all the rest of our summertime fun. We have had a jam-packed month. We had wonderful family reunions with both sides of our family (posts pending). We also got to spend a lot of time in the water. The kids loved the Slip N' Slide, the pool in the backyard, water guns and the local public pool. (Although I am sure glad we were not there over the weekend. Apparently they captured a fugitive from Mexico who was wanted for murder. And you thought nothing exciting happened in our little town.) These pictures were taken after our pioneer parade on July 18th. It was hot and we needed to cool down. Sariah got a little thirsty while she was playing and, being the resourceful girl she is, she knew just what to do.

Ally and Zac are the only ones who actually slid on the slide. Sometimes Sariah and Brook were brave enough to run down the plastic. They mostly just stuck their arms and legs in the water and then ran away giggling.

Zac used the slide to practice his "sliding-into-homeplate" skills, complete with commentary: "Zac Anson steals home!"

As mentioned, we spent the morning at a stake primary pioneer day. I was kind of in charge. It was my first time to plan and run a stake activity. I was a little stressed, but the other awesome ladies in our presidency were amazing and I even roped Jospeh into helping. When it was all over and I was cleaning up, I got an unexpected surprise. Jospeh was outside with the kids. He came in to tell me there was a visitor outside who had a cousin who served in Guatemala the same time I did. I came outside to meet him thinking that his cousin was probably an elder that I never met. As it turns out, his cousin is Hermana Garcia, one of my favorite companions. I just cried. What a small world that he would show up at our Primary activity! He has been living in the states for 11 years and was leaving the next week to go home. He had stopped to visit his brother one last time. The brother lives in our stake and was there picking his kids up from the activity. I am so glad he started talking to Joseph. Wow! I still can't believe it. I was able to see him at church the next day and send a few small gifts to Claudia. What a blessing.

Here are my cute pioneers. Sariah and Brook rode in our "covered" wagon.

Zac and Ally decorated their bikes to ride in the parade. Thanks to Grandma Anson for helping us look through her family history books so the kids could learn more about the ancestors they dressed up as. We had a great day. I am grateful to the pioneers who made so many sacrifices to settle the great state we live in and for the legacy of faith they left us.