Thursday, June 10, 2010


Our Sam is here and I am FINALLY blogging about it. It has been a wild ride at our house with strep throat, allergic reactions, other infections that won't go away, building a wall in our backyard, jaundice, the end of school, an insane number of assignments to grade, visits from family and just plain life. I will spare you the details - for now. I promise to catch up eventually, but since members of the extended family (Aunt Amy) have been "patiently" waiting for pictures, I thought I better get on it. Enjoy! Oh, and I better not forget the official data: Sam was born on April 28th at 1:54 pm. He weighed in at 9 lbs. 6 oz. and was 21 inches long. He is a great baby and we already can't imagine life without him.
The kids have been great "helpers." They especially love to "help" bathe the baby. What would I do without them? If Sam survives his baths, he'll survive anything.