Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy New Year

I can hardly believe Christmas is over and that January is almost gone, too. Wow! Life is settling into a routine again, but I thought I would take a moment to blog about our New Year's celebrations. We had our own little party at home. We told the kids that they HAD to stay up until midnight. We said it was the rule and that anyone who fell asleep would get water squirted in their face. They all giggled and thought that was the best rule ever . . . and they obeyed it perfectly.

We played our new Wii games that we got for Christmas. The kids were a little unsure about Disney Sing It, but after a few rounds they were belting it out. We especially like the playback feature where you can make your voice sound like a mouse. It's hilarious. Mario Cart is fun, too. Although, after watching the girls drive I am pretty sure they will not be getting their licenses for a LONG time. Course, maybe I should turn in my own. Come on, is it too much to ask for a course that has guard rails on all the turns? My goal is not to win; I just want to stay on the course for longer than 30 seconds. After we had our video game fill, we watched Despicable Me. It was an instant family favorite. At least once a day someone says, "It's so FLUFFY!!" at a random moment. Of course, we also ate lots of treats.

By 11:45 everyone but Sam was still awake. We honestly thought the kids would all crash long before midnight. Besides Sam, I am the only one who fell asleep (just for a few minutes). We handed out the noise makers (that didn't make noise -- I grabbed the wrong package. The kids were disappointed, but I was secretly glad) and watched the ball drop. At 12:10 they were still running around the family room. They thought it was great that they were SUPPOSED to go crazy. Brooklyn was in the thick of it, dancing around and yelling, "Party on the dance floor!" Where did she hear that one? It actually was kind of cute. Once we got them in bed, they did crash hard and so did we.

The next day we just took it easy. We went to Grandma's for dinner and tried to convince ourselves that real life would start again on Monday. It did. We were in some serious denial. The holidays were truly wonderful. Now we have about 10 months to rest up until we get to do it all again!

1 comment:

Oh, Sweet!... said...

What a fun party! I love your rule! What fun memories!