Friday, February 15, 2008

Mom Stuff

So Liz, this one is for you. Tonight we talked about new moms learning from "older" moms. I do not know that there is much to be learned from this older mom, but I have been thinking about motherhood in general lately. A few days ago Sariah asked me, "When I am a mom will I do mom stuff?" I asked her what mom stuff was. She said, "Mom stuff is good stuff." She went on to explain that it was stuff like making lunch and breakfast for their kids. I just keep thinking how right she is. Mom stuff is good stuff. In fact, it is great stuff and I love it. I rejoice in motherhood and all it entails. I am trying to slow down and enjoy each phase of life each of the kids is in. I love being a mom and I love being at home with my kids. It is the hardest thing I have done, but it is the sweetest. I cherish moments like the one I had yesterday when Zac told me he loves our house and he loves being an Anson kid. What more could I ask for?

1 comment:

walkermom said...

Mom stuff is good stuff, indeed. I love that I get to be your mom and that you are sharing all of this with us. Now I have mom guilt because I don't write down all that I should.
Katy wants to say Hi:
mmmmvvvvf.glgfmmfmfnffn("oh, gosh")