Friday, October 17, 2008


I got tagged a long time ago by three different people. So here it goes. Better late than never. Laura tagged me on this one. I am supposed to answer each question with one word.

1. Where is your cell phone? chair
2. Your significant other? Joseph
3. Your hair is...? up
4. Your mother is...? amazing
5. Your father is...? respected
6. What is your favorite thing? chocolate
7. Your dream last night was...? bizarre
8. What is your favorite drink? water
9. What is your dream/goal? peace
10. What is your greatest fear? heights
11. Where do you want to be in 6 years? home
12. Where were you last night? Ansons
13. What you're not? earlybird
14. Muffins or cupcakes? muffins
15. One of your wishlist items? Bosch
16. Where did you grow up? Springville
17. What is the last thing you did? laundry
18. What are you wearing? jammies
19. What's on your TV? Raymond
20. Your pets are...? imaginary
21. Your computer is...? black
22. Your life is...? perfect
23. Your mood is...? content
24. Are you missing someone? family
25. Your car is...? lived-in
26. Something your not wearing? earrings
27. Your favorite store is...? nonWalmart
28. Your summer is...? over
29. The last time you laughed? today
30. The last time you cried? ?

There you go Wa. Both Laura and Toni tagged me on this one.


A. ATTACHED OR SINGLE? 100% attached!
C. CAKE OR PIE? Depends. I love cheesecake, but pies are yummy, especially pumpkin.
D. DAY OF THE WEEK? Saturday. I love working together as a family and then playing together.
E. ESSENTIAL ITEMS? chapstick, lotion and warm socks
F. FAVORITE COLOR? purple or green
G. GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS? probably worms
I. INDULGENCE? chocolate, chips and salsa, anything salty and not good for me
J. JANUARY OR JULY? July. I love the 4th of July and the traditions we have. Plus, summer is usually when we get to see my family.
K. KIDS? 3 beautiful girls and 1 handsome boy who keep me on my toes and fill my days with joy -- really. I wouldn't want to do anything else.
L. LIFE ISN'T COMPLETE WITHOUT? the kids and my honey
N. NUMBER OF BROTHERS AND SISTERS? Two brothers and two sisters
P. PHOBIAS OR FEARS? I am afraid of heights and spiders. I am not a big fan of driving in the snow either.
Q. QUOTE? The soul is healed by being with children.
R. REASONS TO SMILE? I got to spend the day with my family. I washed my windows today. It is something that has been bugging me for a long time and I finally had time to do it today.
S. SUPERMAN OR WONDERWOMAN? Wonderwoman. I used to pretend I was her when I was little. Although Ally would say Superman. That is what she really wants to be for Halloween. Not Supergirl, Superman.
T. TAG 3 PEOPLE... anyone who wants to respond
U. UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: I don't know. I am kind of boring. I did just color my hair for the first time this week.
V. VEGETABLES... I am getting better about eating my vegetables. I especially like raw spinach in salads.
W. WORST HABIT? popping my knuckles
X. X-RAY OR ULTRASOUND? ultrasound
Z. ZODIAC SIGN? Sagitarius

And finally, my friend Heather tagged me a long time ago -- so long ago that I don't remember exactly what I am supposed to do, but it had something to do with random facts about myself.

1. I get excited about the little pleasures of life -- when Sariah wants to take school lunch and I don't have to pack a lunch, when Jospeh gets to come home in the evening, when I have a Saturday with nothing scheduled.

2. I am fascinated by politics. I don't know much about it but it intrigues me.

3. I love Jane Austen movies but I can't get through the books. (That is close to blaphemous for a former English major.)

4. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to Austria to see where they filmed The Sound of Music.

5. I am a serious wimp when it comes to pain of any kind.

6. I feel incredibly blessed to have a loving husband who takes care of me and appreciates all I do.

7. I have blog guilt. I wish I had more time to blog. It does feel great to fulfill my tagging obligations - finally.

Hope that is random enough. Things like this kind of stress me out. (There is another random fact.)


Laura said...

What color is your hair now? Can we call you "blackie" now too?

Heather said...

Yay Amy! I'd forgotten I'd tagged you...sorry for the stress. :-)

Jon and Katie said...

Hey guys, you need to give me a call so can get together, drop me an email: