Last weekend we went camping with Marc, Liz, Benjamin and Rachel. We had a great time. Cherry campground has become a favorite spot. This time we tried site #12. The kids loved it and once we figured out how to squeeze two tents into the tent spot, we grownups enjoyed it, too. When we made the reservation online, it said #12 was a double spot. Apparently "double" means two picnic tables and two parking spots. We did have to clear some ground and it was a good thing we all had air mattresses.

The kids had a great time running around. The favorite feature of #12 is the "mountain." Zac loved climbing up to the top where we could not see him. Then he would half slide, half run back down. The next thing we knew, he was at the top again. The girls had fun as well. They were all filthy. After his bath on Saturday, I had to dig dirt out of Zac's fingernails. He was not too thrilled about that. It's the price you pay, Zac. They also had fun playing in some trees near our site. They called it "the pit." That is where they found sticks to serve as wands in one of the games they invented (Zac told us his name was Zac Windweilder).

Our family was in charge of dinner. Joseph made yummy foil dinners for the adults and the kids roasted hotdogs. We had fuit salad to go with it. Grandma and Grandpa joined us for dinner and brought peach cobbler in the dutch oven. I think it was the best cobbler I have ever had . . . for real. I love to eat food cooked outside. It just tastes good.

The kids were too busy having fun to eat much. We did get them to hold still for a few minutes. I am not sure what's up with the faces.

After dinner, a big, black beetle wandered into camp. The kids were fascinated. Ally informed us that it was a boy beetle because black beetles are boys and brown beetles are girls. I was not aware of her extensive wilderness knowledge.

What is a campout without S'mores? Thanks, Grandma for bringing all the fixings. After S'mores we helped the kids settle down. We told a bedtime story and brushed our teeth. On her way to the tent, Ally fell and scraped her arm. She let the whole campsite know. I was not a very patient mom. I was trying to help her calm down without waking people up, inlcuding Benjamin who was already in the tent. I finally told her if she did not stop crying, she would have to sit in the van. She said, amid her sobs, "I can't stop. It's just hopeless!" We got a good laugh out of that.

Once we got everyone settled in the tent, the oldest three fell asleep fairly quickly. Not Brook. She caught a second wind. She was bouncing off the mattresses and hitting Zac in the face. I brought her on the mattresse with me and tried snuggling her. No go. So then I tried telling her a story. She wanted The Three Little Pigs. After a few minutes, she said, "No, Mom. Three Bears." So I tried that one. She interrupted me and said, "No, I want kangaroos." Kangaroos? I tried a kangaroo version of The Three Little Pigs. I got to the part where the first little kangaroo built a house of straw, when she started to giggle and said, "No, Mom. He had a pumpkin." That's when I gave up on the bedtime story idea. The other kids were asleep, so I wrapped her up in a blanket and took her out to the fire. Joseph stood up with her and she fell asleep on his shoulder as we visited with Marc and Liz. All of a sudden we heard a "PING." Brook had ejected her pacifier. It bounced off the metal ring in the fire pit and landed in the hot coals. Liz had the presence of mind to grab a flashlight (which woke up Benjamin, sorry). By the time we fished it out, it was too late. It is a little hard to tell in the picture, but the handle was warped. Thanks for sharing your spare pacifier, Benjamin. You saved the day.

We slept farily well, all things considered. Brook did great with her substitute "pacie." She was bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning. Marc and Liz made breakfast on their new campstove. It was delicious. I loved the banana pancakes. The sky stared to turn a little overcast, so we decided to pack up after breakfast. The kids were cooperative and we did it in record time.

Zac made a final climb up the "mountian" and we went to throw a few more rocks in the creek and headed home. Marc and Liz spent some time at our house before they headed home. We were exhausted, but it was worth it. I hope it will be another magic summer memory for the kids.