Sunday, July 5, 2009

I Could Get Used to This

The other day Sariah asked if she could do the dishes. We let her give it a try. She actually did a pretty good job. Joseph had to give her a few pointers and we rewashed a few things. What a sweet taste of the future. Dishes are my least favorite chore. We should let her at it while she still wants to. This is one of the definite perks of having older kids.
I will try to focus on the perks when they think they are getting too grown up and ask for things like late nights with their friends. Sariah and her friend kept planning sleepovers together. They would both come home from school excited about their big plans. Since neither of us moms do friend sleepovers, we told them that maybe in the summer they could have a late night. They did not let us forget about it. Finally, a whole two weeks after school was over, it was time for the big night. The most important part to Sariah was that they ate treats and watched a movie in thier pajamas. So that is what we did. Sariah chose BBQ chips and M&M's. Her friend brough licorice and mints. Cinderella was the feature of choice. They were adorable.
Sariah went a little overboard on the treats. I sacrifced and helped her out with a few. They tolerated my presence for a few minutes while I worked on the computer.
Zac thinks he is super grown up these days as he FINALLY lost his first tooth. He was so excited, but a little disappointed that it did not come out before the end of school so he could put his name on the lost tooth poster. He is constantly checking for more loose teeth. We'll keep you posted.

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