Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sariah, the Graduate

On Thursday, May 22nd our girl graduated from Kindergarten. The program was very cute. Sariah was SOOOO excited. She reported each day on how the practice had gone. One day she told us (through her giggles) that they practiced standing up together and the teacher said, "Oh that was terrible," and had them do it again. She was singing the songs all around the house. She actually sang in the program, too. It was fun to watch her feel proud of herself.
They sang several songs about the alphabet and the rules of the classroom and ended with You're a Grand Old Flag. Sariah told me that they were going to wave flags. I think she was especially excited about that part.

At the end of the program they read each child's name and presented them with a diploma. By this time, Sariah had lost her "cap." After they got their diploma, they were supposed to walk down the center aisle. Sariah instead went right to Zac and Ally who were sitting on the floor in the front. It took me, the principal, and her teacher to get her pointed in the right direction. That's Sariah for you:)

We are all so proud of Sariah and had a great time celebrating her special night. Zac soaked it all in, knowing it is his turn next. Ally really wanted to go up on the stage, too. Brook recognized Sariah during the program and waved at her. Mom got a little choked up, but managed not to cry. And Dad topped off the night by taking us out for a treat at "Old McDonald's" (a new favorite activity since the kids discovered the Play Place). We love you, Sariah!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

congrats Sariah! We're proud of you too!