Sunday, May 25, 2008

Zac, the Brave

The first week in May Joseph went to a conference in Atlanta. We teased him that he really went to see the Braves play and that there just happened to also be a conference. He stayed with Kevin and Toni and they made sure that he got to a game, or two. Kevin and Joseph went to a game together and sat in the "all you can eat seats." You don't even want to know how much they ate. They also stayed after until the players left and Joseph got a ball signed by his hero, John Smoltz. It was a great day. He brought us all back souvenirs, too. Zac REALLY wanted a Chipper Jones shirt. Dad delivered.

Joseph brought shirts for the girls, too, and a visor for me. I forgot to wear my visor for the picture, much to Zac's dismay. He could hardly wait to get a picture of all of us in our Braves stuff and for me to put it on the blog. He wants to wear his shirt everyday as long as he can wear his baseball pants with it. If I have the shirt clean and in his drawer, he sings my praises and tells me I am the best mom. We truly have a fan on our hands. Today he told Joseph, "I'm glad your're my dad because I wouldn't like a Dad who was a Yankees fan."

1 comment:

Marc and Liz Anson said...

We so appreciate you all coming and staying and helping out so much. The late night drive, I'm sure wasn't fun... and we are grateful for your sacrafice. The fence is almost done thanks to you all. And by the way Zac, It's good that your dad is a Braves fan... cause he wouldn't make a good Yankee fan...