Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Holly Jolly Christmas

Since Easter is around the corner, it might be a good idea to do the official Christmas blog. We had a great month of festive activities to help us get ready for the big day. Ally was excited to be a part of a program at school. Her preschool did a short Christmas program. We got to read Christmas stories together and then the class sang some Christmas songs they had learned. I might be a bit biased, but I think she is the cutest reindeer I have ever seen. (Sariah had a Christmas program at school, too. Unfortunately I only got video of that and even that was not the best. She was front and center which means from where we were sitting in the cafeteria, most of her was hidden by the utility cart that was in the middle of the center isle. Note to self: If I am ever in charge of a grade school program held in a crowded cafeteria, I will send home a seating chart so that hyper parents like me will know where to sit so they can have the best recording/picture taking vantage point. The program was adorable and so was Sariah. I am glad I got to go. If any of you want to come over, she would be glad to show you the video of her program.)

Finally, Christmas Eve arrived. As Zac put it about a week before: "I know Christmas isn't very far away but it feels like it will NEVER get here." I love to see Christmas through their eyes. I know this is a magical time in our family. All of them are at perfect ages to enjoy the wonder of Christmas and to wholeheartedly "believe" as only a child can. As per tradition, we went to a movie matinee and then to Brick Oven for dinner. We saw The Princess and the Frog. It was a hit. Brook surprised us all by watching the whole movie, most of it in her own seat. She kept talking about the "two froggies." All of the Smith cousins enjoyed it, too. Even Uncle David suffered through it. Dinner was yummy and fairly uneventful, just the way we like it.

This year Zac and Ally were Joseph and Mary for the Nativity. They played their parts well. The roles everyone will play is the topic of much conversation at our house during the month of December. I am glad everyone was happy with how it turned out.

Brook really was excited to be the angel, even if you can't tell by the picture. She loved being with her Hadley. Even Blue Baby got in on the show.

Sariah was very gracious to give up her coveted role of Mary. Of course the prospect of being a shepherdess with her favorite cousin definitely sweetened the deal.

Christmas morning was wonderful as always. Even I have a hard time sleeping the night before. (Sariah wrote a story later at school about Christmas. My favorite line was when she talked about going to bed. She said, "It was a hard night for me." Bless her heart.) Ally got a waterfall adventure set for her Puppies in my Pocket and lots of other good stuff. She loved her Tinkerbell Barbie. She has this thing about not looking at the camera when we take her picture. One day I am sure it will be endearing, but right now it is a bit frustrating.

Sariah got a camera that she took pictures with all morning. She was also excited about her Disney CD's. So was I. We made copies to go in the van so there would be something that we would all enjoy listening to. It has been a welcome change. We have also discovered Magic Tree House books on tape at the library. Between those and the Disney songs, life in the van has gotten much better. But I digress . . .

Brook was the last one awake. We actually had to wake her up. She was not too excited about that. She was tired from the long day before. She stumbled out into the living room, not really sure what to make of everything. Then she discovered that Santa brought her a baby doll, just liked she asked. That is all she talked about for weeks. She still mentions it on occasion. After that she woke up and decided this Christmas thing was OK after all.

I am not sure who liked Zac's present more, him or his dad. They had a grand time chasing each other through the house. Amazingly enough, we have not lost any bullets yet. My favorite is when Brook dresses up in the gear. It is very cute. Zac also got a signed Max Hall jersey from our neighbor who works at BYU and is always bringing the kids little surprises. He was thrilled. The shirt is huge on him and will fit him for years to come, literally.

We rounded out our Christmas activities with a trip to Temple Square to see the lights. We went with some of my college roommates. We went last year too and I hope the tradition will continue. Our kids love the Thornton kids so it is a highlight for them as well. My picture taking skills were not at their best that night, but here they are in front of the big Christmas tree in the Joseph Smith Memorial building. It was a COLD night but we had a great time anyway. I love Christmas and can honestly say I can't wait for it to come again.

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