Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Eve

Have I mentioned that I love traditions? Well, I do and we have a great one on Christmas Eve that we adopted from the Smiths. We started at the matinee movie. Carol and company met us there. In the lobby there was a Sesame Street poster with a cut out of Oscar's head. (Is there a special name for those?) Ally wanted her picture taken, but the others declined. This year we went to see Tangled. It was adorable. Sam was a perfect baby and let us stay in the theater for the entire movie! I went totally prepared to spend most of the movie in the lobby with him. Thanks for the fun surprise, buddy.

After the movie, we were off to dinner at the Brick Oven, yum. Don't let Sariah's face fool you. She was higher than a kite all day. We just happened to catch a rare "down moment."

Sam enjoyed himself at dinner. He had fun playing with the tablecloth and slobbering on the silverware. It was great food and even better company.

Once we were full, we made our last stop of the evening at the Smith's for the Nativity. Brook and Mariah were our angels. Not sure where that face came from.

Ally and Skyler were Mary and Joseph. Ally snuggled right up to her Joseph. It was fun to watch. Skyler was a great sport. Zac was a wiseman who somehow escaped Mom's camera. A cousin from the other side of the Smith family was visiting with them for Christmas. She and Easton were the other wisemen. They had Zac in stitches "off stage." Zac's giggle is contagious and I had a little trouble being a reverent audience member.

Sariah also opted to be in the audience. I was surprised since the Nativity is usually a highlight of Christmas Eve for her. But, as she told Carol, "Sometimes when you get older, you just want to sit and watch."

Sam was actually a shepherd with Emma and Hadley. He had his costume off before I could snap a picture. He was not too impressed but he sure looked cute. Missy played the piano and David assumed his traditional role of narrator. As I sat looking at the tree I felt the peace of the season in my heart, that special peace you feel when you think of the Savior. I thought of my family and the blessings we enjoy because Christ was born, lived on earth and completed his mission. I am grateful for that special Christmas moment. Our evening ended at home where we "hung" our stockings, left a treat for Santa (leftover pizza -- lucky Santa) and tucked the kids into bed in their Christmas jammies. A perfect ending to a perfect day.


Tina - Ball Team Co-Captain said...

I bet Santa loves leftover pizza! Acting out the Nativity is graeat tradition. Maybe one day we'll have kids that will all sit and listen to a story, but, for now, acting it out is our station in life, huh?

Unknown said...

We have the same Christmas Eve tradition! A movie & pizza makes for a happy mom & Santa. :-) Your family looks great - Love you! Heather