Thursday, December 30, 2010

Snow Day

December 21: 4 days before Christmas, piles of laundry to wash, last minute shopping to do, several projects to finish, presents to wrap, 2 ft. of snow overnight, and an unexpected day off of school . . . What's a busy mom to do? PLAY, OF COURSE. Tuesday morning we woke up to tons of snow and no power. Joseph had to dig his car out of the driveway to get to work. While using the flashlight to find the kids' school clothes, I seriously thought about just keeping them home, but I was supposed to help with Sariah's class party, so on we went. We were going through our morning routine when Joseph called from work to tell us school had been canceled. Since when has school been canceled in Utah because of snow? In our district it has actually been 25 years. The kids were ecstatic. And so was I. Joseph came home and we decided to play. Hence, Freddy the snowman was born.

Here is a look at the top of our shed.

Brook was excited to play in the snow and use her new pink gloves.

Sariah asks to play in the snow every time we get as much as a dusting. She was thrilled there was actually enough to do something with.

Ally kept getting stuck, but I don't think she minded too much.

Zac could not get enough. He kept jumping, diving, tackling, digging, rolling, etc. He came in wet from head to toe. He had barely dried off when he got an invitation to go sledding with a friend. They had a great first ride down the hill, but the second trip down, they went over a jump on accident and landed smack on their tailbones. Their sledding was cut short and they spent the rest of the day resting in their respective houses. I am happy to report they have both made a full recovery.

Brook was excited when Dad cleared a path to her playhouse.

And she was even more excited when Dad built her a baby snowman for her house. She and Ally named the snowbaby, Diamond and decked her out with a carrot nose, pretzel arms and Craisin eyes. They were both disappointed when Diamond melted. Freddy eventually did, too. But the memories will last. I am grateful for the chance to slow down and play with my family. Somehow most of the laundry, shopping and projects still got finished, and the stuff that didn't probably was not that important anyway.


Danielle Thompson said...

Amy--you are blogging like crazy! It's so fun to see all your new posts and get to know your cute family :)

Sarah said...

We never have school days here either. Bummer! Looks like you had fun though!