Sunday, December 26, 2010

Under the Knife

Joseph celebrated the end of summer by having surgery. He had a ganglion cyst on his left wrist. It would come and go as they tend to do, but his was rather large. It came to stay during the summer and he decided to have it removed. It was a same day procedure. The nurses all commented on how large it was and the doctor said it was "textbook." In fact, he took pictures and video during the surgery that he plans to use in teaching med students. Joseph has some of those pictures on his computer. Maybe he'll add them later. We don't have the video, but I got to see it. I watched them lance and drain the cyst. It was gross and strangely fascinating at the same time.

For three days after the surgery, Joseph had to ice his wrist and keep it elevated. He had to wear his bandage for two weeks. It could not get wet . For two months he was supposed to restrict his activity and be careful about what he lifted, including Sam. Joseph was not a very patient patient. But he tried to follow the instructions and put up with all of my reminders to take it easy. We were both glad when he was back to "normal." Wrestling five kids is a lot easier with four hands.

His incision is barely noticeable now. I am grateful for Joseph's big, strong hands. Having him "out of commission" helped me remember how much I depend on him and appreciate the little things he does for me everyday.

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